Artist in Residence

Meet our Artist in Resident, Daisy Smith.

Daisy Smith (b.1995, Chelmsford, UK) works with film and drawings that draw on a personal archive in which family members, friends, previous workplaces and living situations are imagined as part of wider social dramas.Recent presentations of her work include EXiS Film Festival, B3 Festival of the Moving Image, Galerie Martin van Zomeren, CCA Glasgow, South London Gallery, De Ateliers, and Nottingham Contemporary. She is a co-programmer of Mascara Film Club and Watchlist.

During her residency in Kristiansand, Daisy will be filming the islands of Odderøya and Flekkerøya. In the studio she is working through her research on the Spalding Gentlemen’s Society, focusing on their collection of 18th century images of English land reclaimed from the sea.


Photo Credit: Daisy Smith and Sidsel Jørgensen